Transportation Marvels

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Ahoy! Have fun exploring the vehicles that drive across the land, travel on rails, sail over the seas and soar into the skies! Featuring everything you love - hands-on experiments to develop scientific inquiry skills, model-making and craftwork.

Vroom, vroom... Off we go!

  • Aesthetic and Creative Expression  – World of Transport Sticker Book
  • Cognitive development – Clickety Clack Train, Choo Choo!
  • Science activities – Friction Car, Balloon Car, Rocket Blast Off!
  • Discovery of the World – Aeroplane Take Flight, Submarine
  • Social & emotional development, Sensory play - Sail Boat , Travel Stories



 To further stretch learning, extension activities are also provided on our website.

Have more than 1 child? Instead of buying 2 of the same box, simply purchase a sibling pack! It comes with all the consumable materials such as craft materials and tools. Select 'Transportation Marvels Box + Sibling Pack' to order.